8th March 2024
World Book Day 2024: a day for celebrating everything we love about reading
World Book Day 2024 was launched with our much loved whole school parade. Teachers and pupils alike relished the opportunity to strut their stuff dressed as their favourite characters and to try and guess the characters that their peers had come dressed as. The whole school went high five crazy as we all came together to celebrate reading. Thank you for all of the hard work that went into creating wonderful costumes. What an exciting buzz around school there was!
Each of our classes also became really competitive this afternoon, as Mr Simpson challenged them to compete to create the best reading book recipe. Mr Simpson asked: what are the most important ingredients to make a good story? Do you think it is: “A mountainous spoonful of a poisonous wart to add some flavour to our fantastic adventure” (1Y)? Or would you vote for: “Dip in a clumpy, black boot, for extra mystery, so you can be heard but not seen like Goth Girl” (3W)? Or maybe this tickles your reading taste buds: “A speck of Mr Fox’s cunning personality to add a seasoning of stealth” (6S)? The children had lots of fun playing around with devilishly delicious reading recipes!
Nothing beats quality reading time and we went one better than that because we paired up our younger year groups with our older year groups for the opportunity to be reading buddies. Years 4-6 took great pride in bringing in from home or selecting a library book to share with a younger peer. There was such a calm and relaxed atmosphere around school as every pupil enjoyed quality reading time.
Finally, our annual reading safari closed an exciting day. Our teachers went on an adventure of their own to find a new class to share their favourite stories with. Hopefully, this will have inspired some new reading choices for our children.
Our pupils thoroughly enjoyed our World Book Day celebrations. It's safe to say it is one of our favourite days in the school diary:
Reception pupils loved sharing a story with year 4 pupils. Year 1 challenged themselves with book and emoji quizzes and used their phonics to draw super villains! Year 2 pupils thoroughly enjoyed the whole school parade and having Miss Cheyne from year 5 visit for a reading treat. Year 3 got really creative and made origami bookmarks. Year 4 loved going back to Early Years to share their favourite stories from when they were in Reception. Year 5 pupils enjoyed reading 'A Child of Books' by Oliver Jeffers and designed their own book covers in his style. Finally, year 6 enjoyed reading with year 2 pupils and some of year 6 received a visit from Mr Twit (also known as Mr Simpson!), who popped by to share some reading with them.
At Colley Lane, we want the excitement stirred by World Book Day to inspire new reading interests, so please enjoy some quality reading time with your son/daughter and open their eyes to the many more reading adventures waiting.