6th March 2024
STAR: A positive learning climate in our classrooms, every lesson, every day.
This year, our staff have received training on engagement strategies to be used in their classrooms, that enable them to maintain high expectations of: attitudes to learning; the respect that pupils have for their peers and towards the value of learning; and pupils’ commitment to thinking, responding and participating in every lesson, every day.
This resulted in the launch of STAR. The driver behind introducing this initiative was ensuring that every classroom has a think-hard climate so that all pupils are active in their learning and understand how to be an effective learner. The impact of this upon their life skills, such as: articulating themselves in full sentences; making eye contact with the speaker; and showing respect and response towards the speaker, can already be seen and pupil voice reflects that our pupils recognise the positive impact that this has had upon learning behaviours.
We are so proud of all of our pupils for their enthusiasm towards learning and the respect towards their peers. What a super way to shine a spotlight on learning at Colley Lane!