Colley Lane Primary Academy, Colley Lane, Halesowen, B63 2TN
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Online Safety

14th August 2023

The first thing that many children reach for to keep themselves entertained this summer is an internet-enabled device. The school holidays, of course, almost invariably bring a dramatic rise in young people’s screen time. This National Online Safety guide has some useful online safety reminders – so you can help make sure that nothing from the digital world causes a case of the summertime blues.

This is a link to a website Common Sense Media: Age-Based Media Reviews for Families that recommends age-appropriate media that children can enjoy and families can feel happy that it's appropriate: movies and books with diverse characters, made by diverse creators. Apps and games that don't collect kids' personal data. Great online learning activities. And so much more—all using our ratings based on research and child development guidelines.