5th July 2024
Welcome to our monthly wellbeing blog for
July 2024
We aim to support our children and families as much as possible. We hope you find some activities and advice here that you find useful. Please click here to visit the Wellbeing section of our website: https://www.colleylaneprimary.org.uk/our-school/safeguarding-and-wellbeing/wellbeing/ Or contact wellbeing@colley.windsoracademytrust.org.uk to speak to a member of the pastoral team. |
Action for happiness
Action for happiness releases a monthly calendar to help support children's mental health and wellbeing. This month is July. Please click the link below to find the interactive version of the calendar.
What we do at school
We try to practise Mindfulness in our classes during each week. Each blog will contain a link to a popular mindfulness activity that has been used within school.
This month's choices are:
Mindful minute mindful eyes - a short mindful activity for kids.
Story Corner
We also have a story to support mental health and wellbeing each month, each story will look at a different feeling, emotion or experience.
Click the link below to hear this Month's story:
My Body Sends Signals - A short story about how our body sends us signals related to our emotions.
Community Corner
Dudley Council has an Early Help and Family Information Service Directory. This service offers information about funded childcare, activities, services and events taking place across the borough and information about NHS health services for children, young people and families.
Please check the link below for more information.
Dudley also has a public health website.
www.healthydudley.co.uk is the new address for guidance from Dudley Public Health and Wellbeing. From recipe ideas, cancer screening and immunisations to healthy pregnancies or ageing well, the website provides insight for all the family. The website provides information and resources for improving health and wellbeing, covering all life stages from pregnancy and early life to healthy ageing. Get the latest wellbeing information and join in with campaigns, projects and local activities that promote health and wellbeing. Use free resources to help plan for later life, cook healthy recipes, and tools to manage stress and cope with bereavement. The website is also a tool to become more active, stop smoking and stay a healthy weight.