10th February 2023
My name is Tina and I’m currently doing a level 3 Early Years Educator apprenticeship. I’ve always wanted to work with children, so once my youngest son started in reception, a job came up in the school for a lunchtime supervisor, which I took, and not long after, I started working in after-school. club, which I loved. I did this for a couple of years, while always expressing my interest in that I would like to work in the classroom as I find children inspiring.
When the opportunity came up for the apprenticeship I applied right away, I was so excited to start. I am really enjoying my time in the classroom working with the children and learning my new role while doing something that I love. I have had lots of support from my mentor and other staff in school and my tutor online this has helped me immensely while on my journey. I am now almost at the end of the course, and I would like to thank everybody that has helped and supported me along the way.