Colley Lane Primary Academy, Colley Lane, Halesowen, B63 2TN
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

Mental Health Blog December 2024

12th December 2024

Welcome to our monthly wellbeing blog!

December 2024


We aim to support our children and families as much as possible! We hope you find some activities or advice here that you find useful!


Please click here to visit the Wellbeing section of our website:

Or contact to speak to a member of the pastoral team.


Action for happiness

Action for happiness releases a monthly calendar to help support children's mental health and wellbeing. This month is New Ways November Please click the link below to find the interactive version of the calendar.


What we do at school

We try to practise Mindfulness in our classes during each week. Each blog will contain a link to a popular mindfulness activity that has been used within school.

This month's choices are:

Belly Breathing: Mindfulness for Children

Body Scan Meditation for Kids 🌈 5 Minute Kids Mindfulness Meditation


Story Corner

We also have a story to support mental health and wellbeing each month, each story will look at a different feeling, emotion or experience.

Click the link below to hear this Month's story: mindfulness makes me stronger

🌟 MINDFULNESS MAKES ME STRONGER by Elizabeth Cole : Kids Books Read Aloud

 Community Corner 

Dudley Family Hub Network offers support and advice for families in Dudley with children aged 0 to 19.Family hubs are local and accessible, there is also an online support system.

Where is my local family hub?

There are currently five local family hubs around the borough that can offer support to you and your family. They are open Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm. They are located at:

●    Stourbridge  - Forge Rd, Stourbridge, DY8 1XF, 01384 818780


●    Lye - Lye By-Pass, Stourbridge, DY9 8HT, 01384 813954

●    Brierley Hill - 18 Parkes Street, Brierley Hill, DY5 3DY, 01384 813322

●    Coseley - Bayer Street, Bilston, WV14 9DS, 01384 813096

●    Dudley - Selborne Road, Dudley DY2 8LJ, 01384 812440

 Winter Wellbieng 



Dudley Council has launched a β€˜winter wellbeing’ campaign to help residents stay warm, well and safe.

Find tips on:

●     Keeping warm

●     Money advice

●     Safety and security

●     Looking after your health

●     Staying connected (ways to help you feel less lonely or isolated over winter)

●     Top tips and resources

You can also view and download a full winter wellbeing booklet at the bottom of the top tips page.

Find all the information at


More information




Planning to do some Christmas shopping on Facebook Marketplace during the festive season?

Facebook have produced some helpful tips on how to recognise and avoid scammers using their popular selling platform to trick people into buying fake goods or sending their personal information for fraudulent purposes.

●     Recognising scams on Facebook Marketplace

●     How to avoid scams on Facebook Marketplace


Find Out More








Tips to get your money back after a scam

Citizens Advice have advice on how to get your money back after a scam, including help if you manage someone else's bank account.


Find Out More





 From All The Staff at Colley Lane Primary Academy We Would Like to Wish You All a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !