7th June 2023
Colley Lane Primary Academy aims to help our children by providing support for their mental health and wellbeing. This is the first of our monthly blogs that will be filled full of tips to help support our children and families. They will include activities that have taken place in classrooms, fun things to do at home and links to advice and further support.
BBC Bitesize Moodboosters are short videos that help support children to understand their emotions as well as get them active. They can all be accessed here:
Action for happiness releases a monthly calendar to help support children's mental health and wellbeing. This month is Joyful June. Please click the link below to find the interactive version of the calendar.
We try to practise Mindfulness in our classes when we can. Each blog will contain a link to a popular mindfulness activity that has been used within school and that the children have enjoyed.This month Reception have chosen 2 videos from our favourite character Moovlee Monkey:
Workout For Kids: Minecart Track!
We also have a story to support mental health and wellbeing this month, a story that shows two siblings working together to find calm moments when their have very busy days.
The Children & Young People's Public Health Team have launched a termly newsletter for children and families, which provides information about what’s available to support their health and wellbeing. You can fimd the newsletter here:
A new website has been launched to help young people, parent carers and professionals find information about mental health in Dudley Borough.
Happier Minds can help you find the mental wellbeing information you need. It also provides information on how to get help urgently for people in crisis.
The website has three sections – for young people, parent carers and school-based professionals. All sections contain useful support and information.
The young people section for those aged 11yrs and over (secondary school and college), has video resources and useful contacts.
For parent/carers, there is information to help them to support their child and also resources to support their own mental wellbeing.
Please click here to visit the Wellbeing section of our website:
Or contact:
to speka to a member of the pastoral team.