Colley Lane Primary Academy, Colley Lane, Halesowen, B63 2TN
Part of Windsor Academy Trust

After School Club Newsletter: Summer 2 2023

21st July 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we approach the end of the summer term and our last newsletter for the academic year, we would like to share with you some of our highlights of the term in After School Club. There have been so many fun activities and celebrations!

Firstly, we have photographs of staff and children celebrating birthdays (with a significant one for one of our members of staff!). We then celebrated Fathers’/Significant Person day. Our next project was a design of hot air balloons and kites on our board to mark the beginning of the summer holidays coming up. As a surprise treat for the children, staff arranged for an ‘indoor picnic’ to take place – we would have loved to host it outside, however the British weather had other ideas! This, as you can imagine, went down fabulously and we all had a wonderful time.

Finally, we had another surprise for the children – a water fight! This also proved very popular. They all got very wet, including the staff who at no surprise, were used as targets! We hope to repeat these activities again when we come back in the new term (weather dependent, of course).

Finally, we would all like to wish parents and carers a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you in September 2023, parents and children old & new. We would like to remind you of the After School Club phone numbers; these can be used to inform us if you are running late, or any other After School Club-related concerns. Our direct number is 01384 900 454, and our mobile number is 07561 672 507. Please note that for any booking enquiries, the office number is 01384 900 450.

As always, let myself or my team know if you would like to discuss anything with us or if we can be of assistance.

Kind regards,
Miss C Evans
After School Club Manager