26th May 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
It seems like quite a while now since the King’s Coronation (almost 3 weeks!) However, we would like to share with you the After School Club board that the children have helped to decorate to commemorate this special occasion. They did a wonderful job!
We are also starting our ‘Star Gallery’ where the children can express their creativity and talent. This will be shown on another board for all to see in our Family Room. As this changes, we will also be able to share this with you!
We would like to wish all parents/carers a great holiday and look forward to welcoming you back on the 5th June 2023.
We would like to remind you of the After School Club phone numbers; these can be used to inform us if you are running late, or any other After School Club-related concerns. Our direct number is 01384 900 454, and our mobile number is 07561 672 507. Please note that for any booking enquiries, the office number is 01384 900 450.
As always, let myself or my team know if you would like to discuss anything with us or if we can be of assistance.
Kind regards,
Miss C Evans
After School Club Manager